The Fun Part
I (mostly) hail from southwestern New Mexico, though I've grown up, traveled, and lived all over the United States. My hobbies include playing fantasy and puzzle RPGs, reading lots of books, writing other books, dancing (by myself and in front of others), and dabbling in other random activities every month.
I used to teach each summer at a Computer Science summer camp called YWiC, leading virtual reality and artificial intelligence curriculum. I have also managed to get lost in every foreign country I've ever been to.
The Professional Part
I've received a B.A. in English and a B.A. in Computer Science (minor in Japanese) from Arcadia University. I am currently an Information Science PhD student at Cornell University.
I’ve been published in Asimov’s Science Fiction as the 2021 winner of the Dell Award for Undergraduate Excellence in Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing, and was a 2022 and 2023 runner-up. I was also published three times in Arcadia University’s literary magazine, Quiddity.